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  The Guardian Scholars Program is made possible through the generosity of the following organizations:


The California Wellness Foundation provided a grant to help the program continue to support Guardian Scholars. To get additional information about the donor click here.

The John Burton Advocates for Youth aids eligible scholars by providing a stipend of up to $200 for textbooks. To get additional information about the donor click here.

The University Friends Circle aids scholars by providing move-in packages. In the past, they have donated packages that contain hygiene and school supplies as well as bedsheets. This Fall 2020, the University Friends Circle also provided care packages to continuing scholars in the Merced area. To get additional information on the donor click here.


The Gateway Quilters Guild show their support by donating handmade quilts to scholars in need to help them stay warm during the winter months. To get additional information on the donor click here.


The Atwater Baptist Church provides scholars with final packages, snacks, and scantrons. To get more information on the donor click here