If you are interested in becoming a guardian scholar please make sure to complete the Application and submit the required documentation below.
Step 1: Application
Step 2: Documentation
Personal Statement
Student Full Name and Student ID
12pt font and double-spaced text
Minimum length is two pages
Answer "How has your lived experience(s) shaped your outlook on higher education goals?"
Letter of Recommendation
Student Full Name and Relation to Student
Be from anyone such as a social worker, teacher, coach, friend, family member, etc.
Answer "How could the student benefit from the program?"
Letter of Verification
EX. Chaffee Grant Eligibility Form
EX. Letter from anyone that can verify foster care or homelessness status.
Document Naming & Submission
Student First and Last Name_Document type
Ex. JohnDoe_Personal Statement
Submit documentation to lsanchezsandoval2@ucmerced.edu