*If you are interested in becoming a guardian scholar, please make sure to complete the Application and submit the required documentation below.
Step 1: Application
Step 2: Documentation
As part of the qualification and acceptance into the Guardian Scholars Program, the following documentation is required. Then submit all of your paperwork to lsanchezsandoval2@ucmerced.edu.
Personal Statement (with Student ID #)
- Include your full name and student ID at the header of the page.
- Two pages in length.
- 12pt font and double spaced text.
- Answer the following prompt: How has your lived experience(s) shaped your outlook on higher education goals?
Letter of Recommendation
- Should state how the student would benefit from the program.
- This letter can come from a social worker, teacher, coach, friend, family member, referral from the dean of students, etc.
Foster Care Verification
- Chafee Grant Eligibility Form.
- Letter from anyone that can verify foster care status.
Homeless Scholar Verification
- Verification of your status as a homeless scholar receiving services under the McKinney-Vento Act would constitute appropriate documentation.
Document Naming & Submission
Student First and Last Name_Document type
Ex. JohnDoe_Personal Statement
Submit Documentation
Email to lsanchezsandoval2@ucmerced.edu